耕 地 面 积
Area of Cultivated Land

(1000 hectares)


年 份 耕地面积 旱 地
水 田 (%)

Regularly #水浇地 Irrigable Land,
Year Cultivated

Paddy Fields

Area Dry Field Irrigable Land Paddy Fields Percentage to


Cultivated Area (%)
1949 7265.79 7259.79 763.21 6 10.59
1952 7616.41 7593.42 939.85 22.99 12.64
1957 7545.97 7481.01 1512.59 64.96 20.91
1962 6953.83 6881.93 1285.41 71.90 19.52
1965 6983.71 6898.31 1668.87 85.40 25.12
1970 6849.55 6756.41 2585.17 93.14 39.10
1975 6718.61 6644.99 3479.60 73.62 52.89
1978 6675.01 6570.90 3556.06 104.11 54.83
1980 6648.01 6515.95 3490.19 132.06 54.49
1985 6603.41 6471.69 3440.98 131.72 54.10
1986 6592.02 6463.24 3425.30 128.78 53.91
1987 6576.51 6445.18 3474.33 131.33 54.83
1988 6567.44 6435.39 3497.13 132.05 55.26
1989 6560.45 6423.15 3545.18 137.30 56.13
1990 6556.03 6415.64 3618.10 140.39 57.33
1991 6549.72 6401.58 3691.33 148.14 58.62
1992 6543.73 6397.08 3738.99 146.65 59.38
1993 6536.05 6408.62 3803.62 127.43 60.14
1994 6524.33 6402.32 3840.87 122.01 60.74
1995 6517.25 6390.71 3913.47 126.54 61.99
1996 6498.80 6361.20 4110.55 137.60 65.37
1997 6493.74 6352.18 4181.01 141.56 66.57
1998 6484.58 6342.41 4245.87 142.17 67.67
1999 6478.71 6333.06 4298.80 145.65 68.60
2000 6465.96 6329.32 4345.68 136.64 69.32
2001 6448.93 6338.37 4374.83 110.56 69.55
2002 6125.15 6017.82 4307.84 107.33 72.08
2003 5991.27 5898.28 4311.00 92.99 73.51
2004 6000.63 5904.36 4363.50 96.27 74.32
2005 5988.93 5885.00 4443.82 103.93 75.94
2006 5882.52 5775.28 4462.53 107.24 77.68
2007 5893.61 5789.62 4475.03 103.99 77.69
2008 5901.44 5794.11 4453.18 107.33 77.30
2009 6561.35

a) Regularly cultivated area at year-end in 2001 and before is former caliber.